About Dr Ema

Dr Ema Bowman is a Massey University New Zealand graduate (2008), with a broad range of clinical experience from New Zealand, Australian, and North American specialist hospitals.

She has actively pursued her career as a top level first opinion veterinarian rather than specialising, enjoying being able to focus on breed specific interventions and connection with her clients.
Dr Ema’s day to day work centres on brachycephalics, where she performs 4-15 BOAS surgeries per week and consults with clients to manage the suite of brachycephalic health concerns, as well as educate and advocate for improved breeding and welfare standards. These tasks are both her primary motivation, and the mainstays of her role.

Through her memberships in internal medicine and significant additional training in anaesthesia, Dr Ema has developed a holistic approach to brachycephalic management. She provides proactive multi-level (aka 5/5) upper airway surgery, high quality brachy-safe anaesthesia, and tailored preoperative and postoperative risk reduction strategies. Ema cautions that addressing the emotional needs of the brachycephalic patient should be a major consideration - the approach needs to be truly holistic.

Credit - VetPrac